We are an independent Baptist Church free from any oversight by Synods, Denominations, Ruling Elders, Associations, and even Government intrusion. We support homeschooling, the Constitution, and the God-given right of self-preservation and freedom of conscience. We are a unique church in the Coweta area in that we are not "Reformation born." We come from a long line of adherents to Biblical Christianity since the time of Christ. Though not originally called Baptist in early times they received the distinction of "ana-baptist" in their habit of rebaptizing those who were not of their "Faith." Though the "ana" has been dropped from the name we are of the same Faith, taught by the Apostles, believed in the churches, and carried to us by our forefathers.
Coweta Baptist Church is a spiritual body of believers having received gospel baptism, meeting regularly to edify, encourage, and strengthen this body of Christ in this wicked and perverse world. We believe our members ought to live holy, godly lives and testify of the grace and glory of the Lord Jesus.
This church stands in opposition to the philosophies, teachings, and doctrines of Arminianism, Ecumenicalism, Pentecostalism, Free Masons, and Sexual perversion in all its forms including the LGBTQ community, Socialism, and Communism. We stand only for what is found written in the Holy Word of God and translated into English, the King James Bible.
At each service, we gather for worship and to study God’s word. Our service is simple and characteristic of those of the Old Faith. We read and preach from the word of God, our singing is that of hymns and congregational, and our prayers and praise are offered to God as a sweet spiritual sacrifice.
We believe in a nation of law and therefore we are strong adherents of the Constitution of the United States. We believe our nation to be a republic with a democratic form of Government. We are opposed to any tyranny either foreign or domestic. We believe in the freedom of conscience and self-preservation. That being said we also believe that God will work all things according to His purpose among the children of men. He both establishes and destroys governments at His good pleasure and according to His sovereign purpose.
You will discover the unique nature of Coweta Baptist Church, for God has promised to ever abide in his Church. Our website is just an introduction to the spirit of our church. We want you to feel at home and comfortable here. We are pleased to welcome you.