Pastor's Ponderings

Sunday Services

Sunday School 10:00 AM - Worship 11:00 AM - Afternoon Preaching 1:30 PM

The Pastors blog

Here you will find the meandering mind of the Pastor and the various thoughts that rummage through his brain. Some may be whimsical and other quite serious. Take the time to read and learn something about our Pastor at the same time.

The Honor of the Ministry

by: David Hethorn



The ministry is a high and noble calling, one entrusted with the weighty responsibilities of proclaiming God's Word, guiding His flock, and building His church. Ministers are not mere functionaries but ambassadors of Jesus Christ, appointed by God Himself to carry out this divine work. The Bible provides clear guidance on how believers should conduct themselves towards their spiritual leaders. Honoring those who minister among us is not only a matter of personal integrity ...
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Jeffrson's Response to the Delaware Baptist Association

by: David Hethorn



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    RETURN LETTER FROM THOMAS JEFFERSON TO THE DELAWARE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 1801 2/2                                                                                                         ...
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Did God Decree All Things?

by: Thomas Boston



Has God decreed all things that come to pass? Then there is nothing that falls out by chance, nor are we to ascribe what we meet with either to good or bad luck and fortune. There are many events in the world which men look upon as mere accidents, yet all these come by the counsel and appointment of Heaven. Solomon tells us, Prov. 16:33. that "the lot is cast into the lap, But its every decision is from the LORD." However disordered and fortuitous things may be with respec

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by: Gilbert Beebe




[Does this situation sound familiar in the present time? - ed]

“In a late charge to the Grand Jury, Chief Justice Parker, of New Hampshire, noticed the fact that, alth

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by: E. Rittenhouse



Dear Brother Respess: 

I notice in the February number of the Gospel Messenger that Elder Mitchell has turned over a request to some of the brethren to answer, mentioning my name, and thus rather especially turning the matter over to me.   

When the word is written in their hearts then they will obey. A broken-hearted, repentant sinner, crying for mercy, is a character about whom we need not be in doubt. He is recognized everywhere in the scriptures, both Old T

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by: D. Eddmenson




 Posted on July 7, 2023 By 


One of the biggest lies and blasphemous statements that hireling preachers make today is that “Jesus Christ made salvation possible.” To say that Christ only made redemption “possible” is to say that He did all that He could do but came up short. It is to say that God the Son, our sovereign, successful, Saviour could not finish the work that God the Father sent Him to do. If the Lord Jesus only made our salvation

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Advice to Men About Marriage

by: David Hethorn



This was written by a woman and is very sound advice to men. Dear Men, "A woman who refuses to listen to you does not belong to you. A woman who doesn’t take advice from you; a woman who refuses to take instructions from you; a woman who doesn't take direction from you cannot be led by You in a marriage; That woman is condescending and arrogant. She thinks she's doing you a favor by being in a relationship with you. That woman thinks she's better than you and she deserves ...
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by: A. W. Pink



WHY DOCTRINAL PREACHING DECLINES - A.W. Pink During the last two or three generations the pulpit has given less and less prominence to doctrinal preaching, until today, with very rare exceptions, it has no place at all. In some quarters the cry from the pew was, We want living experience and not dry doctrine; in others, We need practical sermons and not metaphysical dogmas; and yet others, Give us Christ and not theology. Sad to say, such senseless cries were generally hee...
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The Cause of Predestination

by: David Hethorn



The Doctrine of Arminian is: “The cause of predestination to grace and glory was the foresight of good works, and of perseverance therein, resulting from a right use of our free-will: and that there is no such thing as predestination unto death; but only a fore-knowledge of what sins men would commit.” That these are the doctrines of the Arminians now, as they were of Pelagius then, needs no proof.

[But the truth is ...]

The moving or efficient cause of predestination unto l

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by: David Hethorn



Isa 5:20  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 

Isa 5:21  Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! 

Isa 5:22  Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: 

Isa 5:23  Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him! 

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The Sin Of Tolerance

by: David Hethorn



The Sin of Tolerance  10/18/22


No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:24 


Our little town is known across the state for our great athletic teams who often go to the state tournaments – and often return the victors. The town follows the teams packing out the bleachers as they passionately root for the home team.  No one is cheering for both s

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Don't Feel Close To God?

by: David Hethorn



"Oh that I were as in months past." — Job_29:2

(Morning & Evening, C.H. Spurgeon)

Numbers of Christians can view the past with pleasure, but regard the present with dissatisfaction; they look back upon the days which they have passed in communing with the Lord as being the sweetest and the best they have ever known, but as to the present, it is clad in a sable garb of gloom and dreariness. Once they lived near to Jesus, but now they feel that they have wandered from him, and

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How a N. T. Church is Constituted

by: Copied



Thought for the Day, July 4, 2022,  What Kind of Church Are We?A church is a covenanted group of at least two or three baptized disciples of Jesus Christ constituted by His authority alone.  The numbers, two or three, are given by our Lord Himself. (cf. Mt. 18.16)  Because He began His own church during His earthly ministry there was a day when he began to call disciples to Himself making that first church.  This we should expect to find in the Scriptures, and we do. The f...
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Is there such a thing as a Christian Sabbath?

by: David Hethorn



Thought for the Day, June 29, 2022, The Christian SabbathIs there such a thing as a Christian Sabbath?  The Biblical accounting of days is an evening and a morning.  (Ge.1.5)  As we know, there are seven cycles of these days which make up one week: day one through day seven.  Being these days begin a little differently than we are familiar with today it is necessary to point out that the seventh day of the week begins on our Friday evening and ends at the beginning of our ...
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Why is it that Primitive Baptists do not send out missionaries?

by: Cory Holly



(Coweta Baptist is not part of the Primitive Baptist denomination, but we are primitive Baptists in our Faith and Practice. I agree with our Brother's sentiments concerning formal missionary work and the use of Missionary Boards and Societies. We believe men ought to go everywhere and preach the gospel and establish N.T. churches. Please read the full article before you judge us as "non-missionary."  Pastor David Hethorn)

Please read 2 Tim. 1:9-10 for two important facts: (...
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