Sunday Services

Sunday School - 10:00 AM
Worship Service - 11:00 AM
Afternoon Service - 1:45 PM
Prayer Meeting - 6:30 PM


131st and Hwy 51
28149 E 131st St S
Coweta, OK 74429


David Hethorn, Pastor

Welcome to Coweta Independent Baptist Church

What the Scripture teaches about the forgiveness of sin and salvation, please click here

Welcome to Coweta Baptist Church!

We are a Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Coweta, Oklahoma. We desire to evangelize our community proclaiming God's Grace and Mercy!

Here at Coweta Baptist Church, we are truly a church family. The support, encouragement, unity of faith, and fellowship we have with one another are undoubtedly unique. As a church of the Lord Jesus, we are free to serve Him in Christian liberty and we purpose to serve Him in our personal, family, and church lives. We invite you to visit our assembly, observe our worship, consider our Doctrine, and seek the Lord concerning your place in our assembly.

We have one standard, which is the Holy Scripture and to believe all things found in them as our rule of faith and practice.

Our goals are:

  1. To exalt and preach the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work through his death, burial, and resurrection.
  2. To be a witness of the Gospel to Coweta, our community, and the world.
  3. For each member to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to walk with Him in that grace and knowledge.
  4. To take a stand against religious deception, greed and false doctrine believing only  the Word of God, which is truth.  
  5. To have a church with an exciting, enjoyable fellowship and worship that is respectful, reverent, and mindful of our unworthiness before the Almighty God and Lord of Heaven.

Come, and be part of what God is doing at Coweta Baptist Church!